
Are we doomed to be poor forever?

You Will Own Nothing: Your War with a New Financial World Order and How to Fight Back is infuriating.

The author’s details of how you will be made to own nothing are well-documented. Author Carol Roth quotes the financial leaders themselves who are moving us toward this goal.

My oldest nephew is 25. When his dad was just two years older, he bought his first house. My nephew is currently renting and living a low-budget lifestyle as he plans out his future – which doesn’t include home ownership any time soon. Chapter 8. “Renting the American Dream” made me despair that my nephew, or any of my younger relatives, will be able to do the same. They’ll be in their early 30s before they achieve that goal. When home ownership is THE way to creating wealth for most Americans – how can they truly say they have a piece of the American dream when they’re just renting?

Roth is a former investment banker (she says “recovering”) and entrepreneur, TV host and pundit, and New York Times bestselling author. Her other books include The War on Small Business and The Entrepreneur Equation. She’s written this book to explain why these problems are happening – and what we can do to fight back. I read it because it is the first selection in Stephen Kruiser’s Morning Briefing Book Club.

Practical Note: For a gen X’er like me, who has ruined her attention span with social media over the last 10 years, forcing my brain to focus on the financial details was a strain. The book’s Audible version made this easier and about 9 hours, it was perfect for a weekend trip.

A debased dollar

We know how much less our dollar buys these days. A debased dollar is just one facet of the move us to a new financial world order. Roth acknowledges exactly how conspiratorial the “new world order” concept sounds. But she illustrates with mini lessons from financial history, tales of our government’s financial blunders, and the trends toward globalization how we’re headed to this future.

Anyone who is not looking askance at the World Economic Forum (WEF) – an entity I couldn’t name three years ago – simply hasn’t read this book.

Looking askance is too ladylike a phrase. You’ll be spitting blood at the description of this group and their plans to beggar middle- and working-class Americans. All Americans except for the wealthiest who can maneuver in ways we cannot.

Demoralized yet?

Roth acknowledges “you may be demoralized” in the book’s final chapter on how to fight back. “No kidding,” I thought. The first 10 chapters detail how many parts of American lives today are all working to render us poor.

Crushing college loans, stripping of digital rights in social media, and digital currencies are all a part. Her explanation of Environment Social Governance (ESG), shows exactly why certain companies make moves that crater their stock price, ensuring stockholders own less. Think Anheuser Busch and the Bud Light debacle.

The complexity of our financial system, coupled with the shattering of our concentration by 280-byte posts and 20-second reels, has led us to ignore what is happening. We can’t do that any longer. Roth exhorts us through well-documented stats to wake up, realize what is happening, and take back control of our own finances. Then we can work with others to assert our individual rights over the financial tyrants positioned atop the corporations who want to ensure we will own nothing.

blogging · Books · Gardening · Keto

I’m back!

Hi folks. I stopped writing because posting four times a week was just too much – with my full-time job, and my anal-retentive perfectionist procrastination. Then things happened. Hope some of you are still here to read this!

Why’d you leave?

In the winter and spring of this year, I decided to focus my blog on just a few things:

  • Keto journey
  • Books I’ve read
  • My garden

God chuckles when you make plans. This happened:

I fell off the keto bandwagon for about four months. How can I write about Keto when I’m not doing it?

It got so hot and humid I lost all interest in garden, after a few desultory attempts at tomatoes. So, again – how can I write about gardening when I’m not doing that either? I spent much of the summer enjoying air conditioning. The garden is a mess, but I may post my winter clean up pictures.

And third – I re-read a LOT of books that I’ve read before! Some of them are so trashy I’m embarrassed to admit I read them – Revenge by Tom Bower, a book about Meghan and Harry? Such a good hate-read! So, I wasn’t posting about that.


I did read a few good books over the past few months and I have some reviews coming. AND – I’ve been working on another writing project; just not ready to talk too much about that one yet. Yes, I’m working on my own book! That’s all I’ll say.

Look for some reviews to come. And maybe some Keto posts – I did start up again last month, and it is going well.

See you soon!