educational · Hobbies · Introspection · me · Work

Learning to focus

How do you maximize the time you have to do the things you enjoy?

As part of this ‘work-at-home’ journey I’ve been on for the past nearly two years, I’ve had to learn more about focusing than ever before. As much as I enjoy my job (well, not all the meetings, that is) it is tempting to sometimes let my mind wander. And before I know it, 15 minutes has passed. And then I need to work later, longer hours to make up for it. And that eats into my “me” time – my time for my hobbies, the time for my stuff outside of work.

So today I’m going to share with you one of the tried-and-true methods I’ve found for making it easier to stick to the task at hand…

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blogging · educational · me · Tech · Work

Back to work….

… and learning yet more stuff! A full week of classroom training and I come home to a 2-hour class. This is fortunately an interesting WebSphere Content Management (WCM) prototype class, which builds on all the usability lessons I learned last week.

My poor back is paying the price for all this sitting. My chiropractor is gonna be rich.

educational · Work

About to start Day 3 of Usability Conference

… Today I’m sitting in on Application Usability 1, the first of a two-day session. I’ve already had Basic UX on Sunday and User Testing Monday. It’s been an intense, in-depth look at some interesting topics. Sunday we explored why this is important. Monday we learned how to set up Usability Studies, how to recruit participants, write the tasks, run the tests and analyze the results. Today – well, I’ll report back later!

USB stick for course
The materials for each class were on a funny little USB gadget. Twist the top to make the plug pop out.