Cat · Snow!

Crazy temps here at Chez Aunt Jim

Crazy low temps in SC
Our TVs themselves are going to freeze with these crazy low temperatures!

Yes, it is cold here at Aunt Jim’s house.  The weatherman said it would be blustery cold at noon tomorrow, with a 20-mph wind making it feel more like 27 degrees than 39 degrees.

Today I and my neighbor Kim ventured out to the grocery store to restock. We decided to go together for safety in numbers. Or just company – I’m not sure what having both of us stranded would accomplish. The roads were pretty deserted and quite slushy. We felt like Yukon explorers. Everywhere we looked were white fields.

Later in the day Pickles and I took a nap on the couch.

Pickles getting ready for a nap.
Why are you snapping a picture just as I'm getting comfortable? Put that away so we can take a nap.

“Okay, campers, rise and shine, and don’t forget your booties ’cause it’s cooooold out there today!”

I’m going to brave the elements and go into work today.

UPDATE, 9:30 a.m.: After slipping on the ice while digging out my car, and watching a heavy SUV fishtail on the streets of my subdivision, I decided NOT to go into work after all.  I can work from home!

Pickles continues to monitor the snow.


Cat · Snow!

Messy day – Third snow of this winter

Pickles and I are busy watching the snow fall at Aunt Jim headquarters. It’s a mess here – the weather forecast is for ice to start coming down after the snow stops.

On top of that, I’m still sick from my latest cold.

At first I thought I’d go to work late for an important 11:30 a.m. meeting. Then three things happened: I looked out the window and saw what the situation looked like; I turned on the news and saw it was all weather, all the time on Channel 10, and I started coughing and couldn’t stop. So I had a re-think about going to work today.  I e-mailed the project lead for that effort and asked him to set up a conference call. Very, very few people are driving in this. Of course all the government offices and schools are closed. I haven’t seen one car go by in our neighborhood. One of my co-workers is working from home. My team lead got into work but sent an e-mail to all of us saying “I drove into the office this morning; however I questioned myself after I got about halfway in.  There were cars sliding off the road.” There were only two people from our team in the office.

Snow falling
Snow falling outside the glass door at 7 a.m. Jan. 10, 2010
The neighborhood from my front door.
Pickles watching the snow fall
Pickles monitors the snow storm. She's one of Channel 10 Weatherman Ben Tanner's weather watchers!
Sunday lesson

Sunday Lesson

Thanks, Kim, for posting these on our ABF class page! Because you send these out I get a chance to read through the lesson.

Series: Questions of Truth & Consequence?
Lesson Title: A Hill On Which To Stand
Date: Week of January 9
Lesson Passages: 1 Kings 18:20-21,37-39; 19:1-3,13-18

This lesson teaches us that we don’t have to try and convert people to Christians; however we should bring them to the point where they are ready to decide. For people to make no choice would mean they would go on with whatever it is they believe in.

That willingness to choose is a move toward faith because it shows an openness to allow God to work. The church has no greater task than to move people toward a willingness to choose. Then it must trust God and His grace with the rest. Continue reading “Sunday Lesson”

Cooking · just plain fun

More good luck for the New Year

This past Saturday I was making banana bread for my drop-in guests. I’d already cracked one egg yolk into the bowl when I cracked the second egg yolk in – and it had a double yolk. That’s supposed to be good luck. (Or depending on which Web site you use for quick and dirty research, bad luck. Six of one, half-dozen of another.)

Double-yolked egg
Yolking it up (yuk, yuk)

Yes, those are just two eggs in that bowl – but three yolks.

blogging · Finances

Links I Love: Get Rich Slowly

The new year is off to a great start and already people are falling off their resolutions right and left. Why? I think this writer summed it up perfectly:

If I can’t do it perfectly, I won’t do it at all. That was my attitude, and it stopped me from getting back on the proverbial horse too many times to count.

That was from a post on Underachievement and the All-or-Nothing Mindset at Get Rich Slowly, a personal finance site I’ve enjoyed. Get Rich Slowly was started several years ago by one man who was determined to get himself out of debt and change his bad financial habits.  Since then he’s gotten out of debt, started investing, quit his job and does his financial blogging full-time (with a staff of assistant free-lance writers.) Not bad!